25 February 2009

I just woke up, and yes I know what itme it is. Also show review

Eyes and Teeth Art & music showcase

So last week I get a call right before practice asking if my band wants to play a show, to which we said yes. We knew nothing about the show besides the fat that their would be art on the walls, and On the Strings of was playing as well. Let me tel you Upon my arrival I was in for a huge awesome surprise. We showed up with our equipment, to find 4 artists hanging some really col stuff on the wall. I don't know if they all have website, but I know JLP does and you can see the things he hung in a digital format. Also Nick Fisher, who does art under the Moniker Sick fisher hung some very interesting, and colorful pieces. I know nothing about reviewing art, but His pieces looked very cool especially against the paint on the walls. Then there was Meg Scherwitzky, who put up some really cool stuff. It's always cool to see art you like and then find out one of your friends did it after. Also Charles Saylor had a few pieces up with some a collage kind of feel, at least that's what I got out of it. There was no cover at the door, and lots of people cam through to check out the art.

Aside from the art there was also the music which may or may not have been the "teeth" in the name of the show. Maybe eyes for art, Music for teeth? Maybe I'm reading too much into all of this. Who knows?

First up was On The Strings Of, for whom I wish I had more than youtube links, but it seems that for now you'l have to live with video. There's a video 2 posts down. Check it out. Sebastian was on last night. He shunned his familiar acoustic presentation for a more (I thought) enlivened rendition of his songs. He played a few he hadn't played in a while, and also some awesome new ones. I highly recommend checking out OTSO if you get the chance any time soon.

Next up was a band called Sun State, which I was really excited about before they started because they had probably15 instruments on stage for 3 people to play. This was shaping up to be extremely promising. However, they seemed to not get the memo that it was 1
1. A free show
2. Tuesday night
3. not happening at an arena
So they played for upwards of an hour, I don't know if I was really into their songs so such as looking at their instruments which included; a pedal steel, a mandolin, a sweet translucent red Les Paul, a banjo, and more guitars than I care to shake a fist at. I don't really remember what they sounded like at all, but I have their demo, so I'll check it out later. When I'm less annoyed at looking at the same 3 people for 2 hours.

The third act was a girl names Shannon, and her friend, whose name I can't recall right now. She played cello, he played guitar and sang. It was quite a nice juxtaposition from Sun State I thought. I actually paid some attention to them. They were pretty cool, His voice was kind of Jason Shevchuck Gravely, but still more on the singy side. It was quite nice. One of the songs was something about a nice rack, that's all I really picked up though. After some arguing with the sound guy, and microphone movement, their set ended without a hitch. Look for them in the future.

Then my band played. I don't know how we were, but I had an ass ton of fun. I looked up and saw smiling faces, I almost fell over 15 times, A girl was dancing. I couldn't have asked for more.

It was a successful night I think, and I hope to see more in the future. It was a great idea the marriage of the visual and the aural. Hopefully more artists and musicians get involved in this, and Tallahassee supports it.

23 February 2009

Shows cont'd

To finish out this week at the Engine Room we have

Wednesday - Pontiak
The Random notes of Decay
Kingsbury (Supertigt band from Orlando)

Thursday - It just says hip hop on their myspace.

Friday - The Mason Jars
Young Goodman Brown
Kid Hart

The Shed

Sturday - Last show t the shed it seems
Spanish Gamble
Homemade Handgrenade
Assassinate the Scientist
7:00 on the dot. Be on time if you want to catch this.

Castlemania, Burnett Park, Shit Shack, OAF house

Friday - Freshfest
Saturday - Freshfest
Sunday - Freshfest


Friday - Goldylocks *(Anybody got any info on this band?)

Satuday - Core
Sinister Nasty
Almost Kings
Ghost of Gloria
$6 21^ $10 under

That seems to be everything this week. If you've got anything else going on please let me know, so I can get it up here.

22 February 2009

Shows this week

Club downunder

Monday - Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears
Tuesday - Fujiya & Miyagi
Project Jenny, Project Jan
Thursday - Ben Sollee
Daniel Martin Moore
Friday - Jeffrey Tambor (Union Ballrooms)

Engine Room

Monday - Go Radio
Thieves and Villans
Red Car Wire
The Crash Moderns
$7 21+ $10 under
Tuesday - Eyes and Teeth Art Show

On The Strings of
Homemade Handgrenade

Sun State
Art By: JLP $ Sick Fisher

There was gonna be ore but I got distacted watching Latterman, and Shai Hulud videos. Maybe I'l finish this tomorrow.

17 February 2009

So I was looking at UrbanTallahassee.com..

Because really, what else is there to do at 4:30 in the morning. So I was checking out the capital region stimulus plan, and while a lot of things I had no comment on the necessity of it seems like cameras on Gaines street to the tune of $750,000 is extremely excessive. Especially when the amount of jobs it's supposed to create is unknown. I have copied the table directly from their website (I borrowed some code,) so you're getting verbatim what's up on the site.




2 Branch Libraries: Lake Jackson & Eastside $11,000,000.00 unknown
Lake Henrietta Trail Connection $200,000.00 unknown
Playground Equipment & Surfacing $1,000,000.00 unknown
Trail Systems Improvements: Upgrade dirt trail system to gravel with a stone dust surface trail system. $400,000.00 unknown
City of Tallahassee - Gaines Street Surveillance Camera System: Per TPD reccomendations for crime reduction. $750,000.00 unknown

I haven't read quite enough to give you a rundown on all this, but as someone who sends quite a bit of time on, or around Gaines St. It seems like those cameras are unnecessary.

16 February 2009

Some Shows that are coming up.

The Third Rail Hip-hop monthly party is going down tonight. It's at the Engine Room.
I hear tell of a show tonight at Cory Driscoll/Drew E's House. Anyone got any info on this? Holler.

Loks like Go Radio is coming home for a day on the 23rd. I hear they found someone to fill in Tony's spot. Who is it? Find out at the Engine Room Next Monday.

Also the Random notes of Decay are playing at the Engine Room on the 25th with Pontiak, and an awesome band called Kingsbury.

So Hopefully everyone knows about Fresh Fest 2, and how it's going down February 27-March 1, Right? If not check out their website at Tallyfreshfest.com. In addition to shows they will be hosting a lot of workshops, that many of you may find of interest. Check the list. They also have an up to date list of bands that are playing on their site as well. All ticket information is available on their site. Don't be lazy, check it out.

February 28th, in addition to the Fresh Fest Offering, there's a super gnarly goodbye show to the shed, as well as tour kickoff for Safety from Tampa/Tallahassee. Joining them will be Spanish Gamble(Formerly Dirty Money,) From Gainesville, Homemade Handgrenade, Assasinate the Scientist(GNV), and Koala-T.

15 February 2009

Message board action

So Fresh Fest has a message board up. It can be found Here. Enjoy.

Show review Look Mexico + SMATBKOTDA + Curious Animals

So Club Downunder threw a local favorites show for Valentines Day, and it was a complete blast. It was pretty much everything I think Tallahassee's been missing for a little while, a well attended show, full of local bands. Anyway, on with the review.

I got there late 1 or 2 songs into the Blackest Knights' set, and while disappointed at not getting to see Curious Animals, I was also extremely pumped to walk in on so much awesome. I went to Gainesville last week to see them play, and couldn't get in because I left my wallet in Tallahassee (which is another story), so I was extra happy to catch them tonight. They sounded awesome although I couldn't really discern the bass from the mix, but Josh was still playing like a madman, and I knew some sweet shit was goin down. I don't know what I can say about this band and how tight they are, how fun they are, and how much rock they bring that hasn't already been said, so I'll just give you this link to Their Myspace.

Next up was Look Mexico, Tallahassee's current "IT" band I would say. Boy do they deserve it. These guys have been locked up under a pizza joint working on their newest record, and the hard work is definitely paying off. They are some of the hardest working dudes I've seen in a while, and the constant touring shows. Their set was seamless, not once was there even an opportunity for someone to yell "less talk, more rock." There was however, tons of smiling, and dancing going on. In case you missed it, they covered "Pretty Woman," and everyone loved it. The new songs are sounding awesome, and Look out for the new record, and check out Gasp Asp if you haven't gotten a chance yet. It's super tight, and they have a music video (See below).

This video may or may not feature Spike Mott, of Blackest Knights fame as a pie chef.

If anyone was there for the Curious Animals set, and wants to type something up about it holler at me.

That's about it for now, it's almost 7:00 AM, and I should probably sleep. Stay tuned for more show updates, and please comment or email me with any shows to post, flers, or feedback. Look out for interviews, and a print edition coming soon.

-Capital Gaines

12 February 2009


This is showing at FSU

In addition to the dudes form the skatalites playing. You can actually probably go to both if you're savvy.

Showing at 8:00 & 10:15

11 February 2009

RIP Tallahassee shows

It seems that my favorite source for information on local shows has gone the way of Freddy Mercury and bit the dust. As such, it seems that there needs to be a place for Tallahasseans, Tallahessians, hunx, punx, and other live music lovers to gather information, like showtimes, and locations. Any help anyone wants to give, like show info, or flier scans would be greatly appreciated. That said, heres what I know id going on for sure this Week. Thursday-Saturday.

Kevin Batchelor & Cedric IM Brooks of the Skatalites
Trial By Stone

The Engine Room 9:00

Farewell Flight
Jettison Never
Allie Wetzel
The Favored Sons
Matt James

The Engine Room

Look Mexico
The Blackest Knights of the Darkest Apocalypse
Curious Animals

Club Downunder

Valentines Ball
me and the devil
dj acrojam
this town right now
readers die; jest

Engine Room
8:00 doors
9:00 show
$3 if you come dressed formally, $5 if you don't

Well, more shows to come.